The Son is the Word from all eternity. There never was a time when God the Father was not speaking God the Son. In God, there is no such thing as silence. And yet, the children of God endure silence, just as they often endure forms of death and darkness.
So much to think about here. Thank you, Aaron. Speech as symbol and the locus of encounter is fascinating to ponder, not only from God's side, but our side as well. God encounters us in our speech, and yet is not limited to it. The Spirit meets us in our spirits where the depths of what you and your wife experienced produce only groanings (Rom 8:26). And again his Spirit meets and interprets us when ecstasy renders us speechless (2 Cor 12:4). And all this leads me to think about the eschatological trajectory of speech in the city of our inheritance from both sides, God to us . . . and us to God.
Great connections! As usual you give even more to think about. Like how the healing journey requires speaking (verbally or in word or even art) to symbolize our internal world even to ourselves. Thanks Anna.
So much to think about here. Thank you, Aaron. Speech as symbol and the locus of encounter is fascinating to ponder, not only from God's side, but our side as well. God encounters us in our speech, and yet is not limited to it. The Spirit meets us in our spirits where the depths of what you and your wife experienced produce only groanings (Rom 8:26). And again his Spirit meets and interprets us when ecstasy renders us speechless (2 Cor 12:4). And all this leads me to think about the eschatological trajectory of speech in the city of our inheritance from both sides, God to us . . . and us to God.
Great connections! As usual you give even more to think about. Like how the healing journey requires speaking (verbally or in word or even art) to symbolize our internal world even to ourselves. Thanks Anna.